SEO Setup
Step 1: Technical SEO

SEO Setup

Establishing the essential SEO groundwork, this step focuses on making the client's website crawlable and indexable by search engines.

What’s Included?
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Google Search Console Setup
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Sitemap Creation & Submission
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Indexability Optimization
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Strategic Redirect Management

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$ 2,500.00 USD
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Designed for establishing the essential SEO groundwork, this sprint focuses on making the client's website crawlable and indexable by search engines.

  • Google Search Console Setup — Ensuring the site is properly communicated with Google for indexing and search visibility.
  • Sitemap Setup — Creating and submitting a sitemap to search engines to aid in the indexing of all website pages.
  • Robots.txt Optimization — Configuring this file to communicate with web crawlers about what portions of the site can be crawled.
  • Meta Robots Tags — Utilizing tags to control the indexability of specific content.
  • Slug Optimization — Crafting URL slugs that are SEO-friendly and descriptive of the page content.
  • Redirect Management — Implementing and managing 301 redirects for any URL changes to preserve search equity.
  • Host-Level Fixes — Enhancing site speed and reliability through caching and other technical improvements.

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