Real Estate Website Recovers from Traffic Slump, Achieves 10× Click Growth

Sudden Drop In Traffic Means Less Customers Calling

Real Estate Website Recovers from Traffic Slump, Achieves 10× Click Growth

SEO Recovery

Website Migration & Content Strategy


Webflow & Airtable

Problem: Declining Organic Visibility

Late 2022 was a dark time for our client's real estate website. After flying high in the first half of the year, their organic presence took a nosedive. Clicks were down, impressions were plummeting, and their once-robust flow of leads had turned into a trickle. They knew if they didn't act fast, their hard-earned organic success could slip away forever. That's when they turned to FOUND for help.

  • The real estate website encountered a concerning decline in organic search performance in the latter half of 2022
  • Total clicks and impressions were down compared to the first half of the year, indicating reduced visibility and engagemen
  • Urgent action was needed to diagnose and address the root causes to prevent further erosion of the site's organic presence
The lower the lines go, the less your website is being seen online.

Solution: Multifaceted Recovery Campaign

Faced with the client's organic traffic crisis, FOUND unleashed a powerful SEO recovery plan. We executed a surgical website migration, ensuring every page was primed for maximum indexing. We bid farewell to thousands of the client's low-quality pages, redirecting their link equity to the SEO heroes. Our content team crafted long-form guides that became the talk of the industry, while our keyword research left no stone unturned in uncovering untapped opportunities. Local searchers were greeted with open arms as we rolled out the red carpet of location-based index pages on the client's behalf.

A comprehensive SEO strategy was deployed to revitalize the website:

  • Carefully planned and executed website migration to improve indexing
  • Redirected thousands of thin, low-quality pages to consolidate link equity
  • Developed high-quality, long-form content to compete for key industry topics
  • Conducted extensive keyword research and topical mapping to identify opportunities
  • Optimized critical pages for conversions to maximize lead generation
  • Created authoritative location-based index pages to capture local search traffic
Red nodes represent removed pages; a robust resources collection was added for clients perusing the website, in green.

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Results: 10× Clicks & Climbing

The client's SEO renaissance began with a bang as clicks skyrocketed by an astonishing 10X in just 6 short months under FOUND's guidance. But this was just the beginning - with an expanded keyword footprint and unstoppable SEO momentum fueled by FOUND, the sky's the limit for their organic growth.

  • Total clicks increased 10X in 6 months, from 481 to 4,830
  • Total impressions grew from 66,900 to 459,000 over the same period
  • Organic CTR reached a healthy 1.1% and average position improved to 35.7
  • Website positioned for sustained growth with an expanded keyword footprint

May 2024 — the website is still running up.

It looks cooler in Search Console.

July 2024 —the website is STILL running up.

Growth looks good on this client, we have to say.

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